Kontakt -
650 40 88
Pood -
564 99 823
Hooldus -
E-R:10-19 L:10-16
Avatud - Otsi tooteid
1254 toodet
Murdmaa ( 179 toodet )
Filtreeri tooteid
- Abus
- Adriatica
- Alpina
- Alpina Bikes
- Atomic
- Author
- Bakoda
- Bellelli
- Beto
- Bianchi
- Biotex
- Blunt
- Born
- Campagnolo
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- District
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- Drake
- Dynastar
- Echowell
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- Fischer
- Fizik
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- Leader Fox
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- Louis Garneau
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- Magura
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- Overade
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- Polygon
- Rody Wheels
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- Royal Baby
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- SE Bikes
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- Sigma
- Ski Go
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- Smith
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- Swix
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- Tranz X
- Velo
- Ventura
- VP
- Wahoo
- Wordlock
- Xenofit
- Zefal
- Mag Point Grip 2.0
- Strap: Mag Point Strap 2.0
- Strap size: L 150-170cm; M 135-145cm; S 130cm
- Shaft diameter: 16:9
- Weight per piece (g): 209
- Weight per meter (g): 87
- Plate: Flash Premio M Basket (flame)
- Length: 145
- Lengths: 130 - 175 (5cm)
- Tip: Sintered Tip
- Finish: Softtouch
- Shaft material: Carbon 50%
109,00€ -
- Comfort Guard - Ülimalt kerge ja vetthülgav isolatsioon täiendavaks termiliseks kaitseks jala esi- ja varbaosas.
- Easy Entry aasad - Tänu otstarbekatele jalgapanekuaasadele ja laiade avaustega ehitusele on saapaid mugav jalga panna ja jalast ära võtta.
- Fischer Fresh - alati värsked saapad, aitab vältida ebameeldivat lõhna
- Fischer kiirlukk - Uus ja revolutsiooniline minimaalse suuruse ja kaaluga kiirlukustus. Lihtsalt tõmba paelad pingule ja ongi kõik! Süsteem on ohutu ja usaldusväärne.
- Hinged Polymer mansett - Ergonoomiline vormitud mansett erakordseks külgpidavuseks koos suurepärase ette- ja tahasuunalise liikumisvabadusega. Kerge reguleerimine tänu takjakinnitusele. Saapa kalde reguleerimise ja EVA-polstri olemasolu sõltub mudelist.
- Injected Exterior Heel Cap - Hea kanna fikseerimine ja robustne kaitse ühes elemendis: väline kannatugevdus veelgi paremaks jõuülekandeks.
- Paelte kate - Paelakatted pakuvad lisakaitset lume ja märgade olude eest ning hoiavad jala mugavalt soojas.
- Sport Fit Concept - Õige istuvus kõikidele vajadustele. Kas tegemist on naisejala kujuga mugavuseks või võistlusversiooniga või noortele suusatajatele mõeldud variandiga või vastava liistuga universaalsetele sõitjatele või ka otsest jõuülekannet vajavate võidusõitjate jalaga: Boot Fit Concept-il spetsiaalsete liistudega on selleks vastus sõltumata jala morfoloogiast või vajadustest eri kasutusgruppides.
- Velcro rihm - Kinnituselement mansettide ja jalaselja rihmade jaoks, lihtne käsitleda ja reguleerida.
- Thermo Fit - Erakordse isolatsiooniga termovormitav vahtpehmendus - sobib ideaalselt igale jalale.
- Triple F membraan - Tänu spetsiaalsele membraanile on saapa sisetingimused täiuslikud - keskkond on kuiv, soe ja hingav.
RC3 Skate pakub olulist jõudlust koos kogu päeva kestvate mugavusfunktsioonidega. Uued uisutajad hindavad Easy Entry Loops'i ja toetavat pahkluu mansetti. Hingav Triple-F membraan hoiab niiskuse väljas ja lisab mugavust.
[link_rewrite] => fischer-rc3-skate-suusasaapad [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_title] => [name] => Fischer RC3 Skate suusasaapad [available_now] => [available_later] => [id_image] => 2788-5274 [legend] => [manufacturer_name] => Fischer [id_product_attribute] => 6864 [new] => 0 [allow_oosp] => 0 [category] => murdmaasaapad [link] => https://x-sport.ee/murdmaasaapad/2788-fischer-rc3-skate-suusasaapad.html [attribute_price] => 0 [price_tax_exc] => 190.833333 [price_without_reduction] => 232.816666 [reduction] => 0 [specific_prices] => [quantity_all_versions] => 4 [features] => Array ( ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [virtual] => 0 [pack] => 0 [packItems] => Array ( ) [nopackprice] => 0 [rate] => 22 [tax_name] => km EE 20% ) 1232,82€ -
- Sobivad suusasidemed NNN
- TPU cuff – plastikust pahkluutugi pakub lateraalset stabiilsust. Velkrokinnitus optimaalseks sobivuseks.
- TPU heel Counter -tugev ja vastupidav kannaosa pakub tuge ning ennetab kanna liikumist ja hõõrdumist.
- Alpina 2C sole
- PVC pealismaterjal – PVC on vastupidav, pehme, veniv ja kerge.
- Anatomic Footbed – anatoomiline sisetald pakub nii mugavust kui isolatsiooni.
- Thinsulate inslulation – on kuni 2 korda soojem pakkudes optimaalselt mugavust isegi niisketes ja külmades tingimustes.
T40 on üks parimaid algaja saapaid uisutehnikas sõitmiseks. Suusasaabas pakub tuge ning ülimat mugavust.
[link_rewrite] => alpina-t40-skate-2022-suusasaapad [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_title] => [name] => Alpina T40 Skate 2022 suusasaapad [available_now] => [available_later] => [id_image] => 2784-5265 [legend] => Alpina T40 Skate 2022 suusasaapad [manufacturer_name] => Alpina [id_product_attribute] => 6991 [new] => 0 [allow_oosp] => 0 [category] => murdmaasaapad [link] => https://x-sport.ee/murdmaasaapad/2784-alpina-t40-skate-2022-suusasaapad.html [attribute_price] => 0 [price_tax_exc] => 133.25 [price_without_reduction] => 162.565 [reduction] => 0 [specific_prices] => [quantity_all_versions] => 11 [features] => Array ( ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [virtual] => 0 [pack] => 0 [packItems] => Array ( ) [nopackprice] => 0 [rate] => 22 [tax_name] => km EE 20% ) 1162,57€ -
- Comfort Guard - Ülimalt kerge ja vetthülgav isolatsioon täiendavaks termiliseks kaitseks jala esi- ja varbaosas.
- Easy Entry aasad - Tänu otstarbekatele jalgapanekuaasadele ja laiade avaustega ehitusele on saapaid mugav jalga panna ja jalast ära võtta.
- Fischer Fresh - alati värsked saapad, aitab vältida ebameeldivat lõhna
- Fischer kiirlukk - Uus ja revolutsiooniline minimaalse suuruse ja kaaluga kiirlukustus. Lihtsalt tõmba paelad pingule ja ongi kõik! Süsteem on ohutu ja usaldusväärne.
- Hinged Polymer mansett - Ergonoomiline vormitud mansett erakordseks külgpidavuseks koos suurepärase ette- ja tahasuunalise liikumisvabadusega. Kerge reguleerimine tänu takjakinnitusele. Saapa kalde reguleerimise ja EVA-polstri olemasolu sõltub mudelist.
- Injected Exterior Heel Cap - Hea kanna fikseerimine ja robustne kaitse ühes elemendis: väline kannatugevdus veelgi paremaks jõuülekandeks.
- Paelte kate - Paelakatted pakuvad lisakaitset lume ja märgade olude eest ning hoiavad jala mugavalt soojas.
- Race Fit Concept - Õige istuvus kõikidele vajadustele. Kas tegemist on naisejala kujuga mugavuseks või võistlusversiooniga või noortele suusatajatele mõeldud variandiga või vastava liistuga universaalsetele sõitjatele või ka otsest jõuülekannet vajavate võidusõitjate jalaga: Boot Fit Concept-il spetsiaalsete liistudega on selleks vastus sõltumata jala morfoloogiast või vajadustest eri kasutusgruppides.
- Sealed Zipper lukk - Eriline peidetud luku süsteem hoiab niiskuse eemal.
- Velcro rihm - Kinnituselement mansettide ja jalaselja rihmade jaoks, lihtne käsitleda ja reguleerida.
- Thermo Fit - Erakordse isolatsiooniga termovormitav vahtpehmendus - sobib ideaalselt igale jalale.
- Triple F membraan - Tänu spetsiaalsele membraanile on saapa sisetingimused täiuslikud - keskkond on kuiv, soe ja hingav.
Olles keskendunud mugavusele, pakub RC5 Skate saabas mõistliku hinnaga kindlat saavutusvõimeti. Uus sobivam ja õhem profiil parandab tõhusust ja vähendab kaalu. Isolatsioon ja hingav Triple-F membraan hoiavad jalad soojas ja kuivas.
[link_rewrite] => fischer-rc5-skate-suusasaapad [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_title] => [name] => Fischer RC5 Skate suusasaapad [available_now] => [available_later] => [id_image] => 2706-5090 [legend] => [manufacturer_name] => Fischer [id_product_attribute] => 6853 [new] => 0 [allow_oosp] => 0 [category] => murdmaasaapad [link] => https://x-sport.ee/murdmaasaapad/2706-fischer-rc5-skate-suusasaapad.html [attribute_price] => 0 [price_tax_exc] => 249.166667 [price_without_reduction] => 303.983334 [reduction] => 0 [specific_prices] => [quantity_all_versions] => 6 [features] => Array ( ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [virtual] => 0 [pack] => 0 [packItems] => Array ( ) [nopackprice] => 0 [rate] => 22 [tax_name] => km EE 20% ) 1303,98€ -
- Wide application range for common conditions in the medium snow temperature range
- Ideal for training sessions, junior racing and ambitious enthusiasts
- Fast processing
- Long-lasting wax adhesion
- For brushing/polishing use the Polishing Brush Liquid Paraffin
Medium hard liquid wax to meet the high demands in junior racing and for training sessions in all disciplines.
Snow -4 °C — -12 °C 25 °F — 10 °FAir -2 °C — -11 °C 28 °F — 12 °F25,42€ -
- For high-moisture and wet snow conditions
- Ideal for training sessions, junior racing and ambitious enthusiasts
- Fast processing
- Long-lasting wax adhesion
- For brushing/polishing use the Polishing Brush Liquid Paraffin
Soft liquid wax to meet the high demands in junior racing and for training sessions in all disciplines.
Snow 0 °C — -6 °C 32 °F — 21 °FAir 10 °C — -4 °C 50 °F — 25 °F[link_rewrite] => toko-base-performance-liquid-paraffin-yellow-100ml [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_title] => [name] => Toko Base Performance Liquid Paraffin Yellow 100ml [available_now] => [available_later] => [id_image] => 2657-5007 [legend] => Toko Base Performance Liquid Parafiin 100ml [manufacturer_name] => Toko [id_product_attribute] => 6392 [new] => 0 [allow_oosp] => 0 [category] => libisemismaarded [link] => https://x-sport.ee/libisemismaarded/2657-toko-base-performance-liquid-paraffin-yellow-100ml.html [attribute_price] => 0 [price_tax_exc] => 20.833333 [price_without_reduction] => 25.416666 [reduction] => 0 [specific_prices] => [quantity_all_versions] => 1 [features] => Array ( ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [virtual] => 0 [pack] => 0 [packItems] => Array ( ) [nopackprice] => 0 [rate] => 22 [tax_name] => km EE 20% ) 125,42€ -
- For high-moisture and wet snow conditions
- Perfect sliding properties
- Maximum water and dirt repulsion
- Unmatched degree of hold
- Best bonding agent for Top Finish products
- Resealable wax case
Soft high performance racing wax to meet the highest demands. The wax used by World Cup stars!
NEW PFC FREESnow 0 °C — -4 °C 32 °F — 25 °FAir 10 °C — -4 °C 50 °F — 25 °F34,21€ -
- For high-moisture and wet snow conditions
- Perfect sliding properties
- Maximum water and dirt repulsion
- Unmatched degree of hold
- Best bonding agent for Top Finish products
- Resealable wax case
Soft high performance racing wax to meet the highest demands. The wax used by World Cup stars!
NEW PFC FREESnow 0 °C — -4 °C 32 °F — 25 °FAir 10 °C — -4 °C 50 °F — 25 °F77,27€ -
- Wide range of use in medium snow temperature conditions
- Perfect sliding properties
- Maximum water and dirt repulsion
- Unmatched degree of hold
- Best bonding agent for Top Finish products
- Resealable wax case
Medium-hard high performance racing wax to meet the highest demands. The wax used by World Cup stars!
NEW PFC FREESnow 0 °C — -16 °C 32 °F — 3 °FAir 2 °C — -16 °C 36 °F — 3 °F77,27€ -
- For cold and aggressive snow conditions
- Perfect sliding properties
- Maximum water and dirt repulsion
- Unmatched degree of hold
- Best bonding agent for Top Finish products
- Resealable wax case
Hard high performance racing wax to meet the highest demands. The wax used by World Cup stars!
NEW PFC FREESnow -12 °C — -24 °C 10 °F — -11 °FAir -10 °C — -20 °C 14 °F — 4 °F77,27€ -
- For cold and aggressive snow conditions
- Good sliding properties
- High water and dirt repulsion
- High degree of hold
- Bonding agent for Top Finish products
- Also used in racing as a base wax and acts as a base for high performance racing waxes
- Resealable wax case
Hard performance hot wax for racing and practice sessions in all disciplines.
NEW PFC FREESnow -10 °C — -30 °C 14 °F — -22 °FAir -9 °C — -30 °C 16 °F — -22 °F
[link_rewrite] => toko-performance-blue-parafiin-40g [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_title] => [name] => Toko Performance Blue Parafiin 40g [available_now] => [available_later] => [id_image] => 2649-4988 [legend] => Toko Performance Blue Parafiin 40g [manufacturer_name] => Toko [id_product_attribute] => 6376 [new] => 0 [allow_oosp] => 0 [category] => libisemismaarded [link] => https://x-sport.ee/libisemismaarded/2649-toko-performance-blue-parafiin-40g.html [attribute_price] => 0 [price_tax_exc] => 11.5 [price_without_reduction] => 14.03 [reduction] => 0 [specific_prices] => [quantity_all_versions] => 1 [features] => Array ( ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [virtual] => 0 [pack] => 0 [packItems] => Array ( ) [nopackprice] => 0 [rate] => 22 [tax_name] => km EE 20% ) 114,03€ -
- For cold and aggressive snow conditions
- Good sliding properties
- High water and dirt repulsion
- High degree of hold
- Bonding agent for Top Finish products
- Also used in racing as a base wax and acts as a base for high performance racing waxes
- Resealable wax case
Hard performance hot wax for racing and practice sessions in all disciplines.
NEW PFC FREESnow -10 °C — -30 °C 14 °F — -22 °FAir -9 °C — -30 °C 16 °F — -22 °F
[link_rewrite] => toko-performance-blue-parafiin-120g [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_title] => [name] => Toko Performance Blue Parafiin 120g [available_now] => [available_later] => [id_image] => 2642-4981 [legend] => Toko Performance Blue Parafiin 120g [manufacturer_name] => Toko [id_product_attribute] => 6369 [new] => 0 [allow_oosp] => 0 [category] => libisemismaarded [link] => https://x-sport.ee/libisemismaarded/2642-toko-performance-blue-parafiin-120g.html [attribute_price] => 0 [price_tax_exc] => 24.875 [price_without_reduction] => 30.3475 [reduction] => 0 [specific_prices] => [quantity_all_versions] => 1 [features] => Array ( ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [virtual] => 0 [pack] => 0 [packItems] => Array ( ) [nopackprice] => 0 [rate] => 22 [tax_name] => km EE 20% ) 130,35€ -
- Wide application range for common conditions in the medium snow temperature range
- Biodegradable
- Ideal for training sessions and ambitious enthusiasts
- Resealable wax case
Medium-hard, ecological HydroCarbon wax for training sessions and care of damaged and worn bases.
Snow -4 °C — -12 °C 25 °F — 10 °FAir -2 °C — -11 °C 28 °F — 12 °F[link_rewrite] => toko-base-performance-red-parafiin-120g [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_title] => [name] => Toko Base Performance Red Parafiin 120g [available_now] => [available_later] => [id_image] => 2639-4978 [legend] => Toko Base Performance Red Parafiin 120g [manufacturer_name] => Toko [id_product_attribute] => 6366 [new] => 0 [allow_oosp] => 0 [category] => libisemismaarded [link] => https://x-sport.ee/libisemismaarded/2639-toko-base-performance-red-parafiin-120g.html [attribute_price] => 0 [price_tax_exc] => 10.291667 [price_without_reduction] => 12.555834 [reduction] => 0 [specific_prices] => [quantity_all_versions] => 1 [features] => Array ( ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [virtual] => 0 [pack] => 0 [packItems] => Array ( ) [nopackprice] => 0 [rate] => 22 [tax_name] => km EE 20% ) 112,56€ -
- For high-moisture and wet snow conditions
- Biodegradable
- Ideal for training sessions and ambitious enthusiasts
- Resealable wax case
Soft, ecological HydroCarbon wax for training sessions and care of damaged and worn bases.
Snow 0 °C — -6 °C 32 °F — 21 °FAir 10 °C — -4 °C 50 °F — 25 °F[link_rewrite] => toko-base-performance-yellow-parafiin-120g [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_title] => [name] => TOKO Base Performance Yellow Parafiin 120g [available_now] => [available_later] => [id_image] => 2638-4977 [legend] => TOKO Base Performance Yellow Parafiin 120g [manufacturer_name] => Toko [id_product_attribute] => 6365 [new] => 0 [allow_oosp] => 0 [category] => libisemismaarded [link] => https://x-sport.ee/libisemismaarded/2638-toko-base-performance-yellow-parafiin-120g.html [attribute_price] => 0 [price_tax_exc] => 10.291667 [price_without_reduction] => 12.555834 [reduction] => 0 [specific_prices] => [quantity_all_versions] => 1 [features] => Array ( ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [virtual] => 0 [pack] => 0 [packItems] => Array ( ) [nopackprice] => 0 [rate] => 22 [tax_name] => km EE 20% ) 112,56€ -
- Ideal for skin skis/touring ski skins
- Highly effective due to the latest research findings
- Makes the skins water-repellent
- PFC free
- Biodegradable
Skin impregnation.
[link_rewrite] => toko-eco-skin-proof [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_title] => [name] => Toko Eco Skin Proof [available_now] => [available_later] => [id_image] => 2637-4976 [legend] => Toko Eco Skin Proof [manufacturer_name] => Toko [id_product_attribute] => 0 [new] => 0 [allow_oosp] => 0 [category] => libisemismaarded [link] => https://x-sport.ee/libisemismaarded/2637-toko-eco-skin-proof.html [attribute_price] => 0 [price_tax_exc] => 13.333333 [price_without_reduction] => 16.266666 [reduction] => 0 [specific_prices] => [quantity_all_versions] => 2 [features] => Array ( ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [virtual] => 0 [pack] => 0 [packItems] => Array ( ) [nopackprice] => 0 [rate] => 22 [tax_name] => km EE 20% ) 1
Ecological impregnation for skin skis/touring ski skins. Ecological protection against water.16,27€ -
Fabrics Fabric 1: 100% Polyester Fabric 2: 87% Polyester 13% Elastane Features Wind Protective
Moisture TransportGender Men Weight 96 gr/m² Classic, highly functional cross-country skiing jacket with windproof front and elastic, ventilating back.
[link_rewrite] => craft-club-jacket-men-suusajakk [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_title] => [name] => Craft Club Jacket naiste suusajakk [available_now] => [available_later] => [id_image] => 2409-4496 [legend] => Craft Club Jacket naiste suusajakk [manufacturer_name] => Craft [id_product_attribute] => 5894 [new] => 0 [allow_oosp] => 0 [category] => jakid [link] => https://x-sport.ee/jakid/2409-craft-club-jacket-men-suusajakk.html [attribute_price] => 0 [price_tax_exc] => 60 [price_without_reduction] => 122 [reduction] => 40 [specific_prices] => Array ( [id_specific_price] => 69828 [id_specific_price_rule] => 0 [id_cart] => 0 [id_product] => 2409 [id_shop] => 0 [id_shop_group] => 0 [id_currency] => 0 [id_country] => 0 [id_group] => 0 [id_customer] => 0 [id_product_attribute] => 0 [price] => -1.000000 [from_quantity] => 1 [reduction] => 0.400000 [reduction_type] => percentage [from] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [to] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [score] => 32 ) [quantity_all_versions] => 2 [features] => Array ( ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [virtual] => 0 [pack] => 0 [packItems] => Array ( ) [nopackprice] => 0 [rate] => 22 [tax_name] => km EE 20% ) 1
• Thin and highly elastic laminated polyester that has been knit to provide good wind protection and ventilation
• Classic design122,00€ 73,20€ -40% -
Fabrics Fabric 1: 100% Polyester Fabric 2: 87% Polyester 13% Elastane Features Wind Protective
Moisture TransportGender Men Weight 96 gr/m² Classic, highly functional cross-country skiing jacket with windproof front and elastic, ventilating back.
[link_rewrite] => craft-club-jacket-men-suusajakk [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_title] => [name] => Craft Club Jacket Men suusajakk [available_now] => [available_later] => [id_image] => 2407-4493 [legend] => Craft Club Jacket Men suusajakk [manufacturer_name] => Craft [id_product_attribute] => 7250 [new] => 0 [allow_oosp] => 0 [category] => jakid [link] => https://x-sport.ee/jakid/2407-craft-club-jacket-men-suusajakk.html [attribute_price] => 0 [price_tax_exc] => 60 [price_without_reduction] => 122 [reduction] => 40 [specific_prices] => Array ( [id_specific_price] => 69826 [id_specific_price_rule] => 0 [id_cart] => 0 [id_product] => 2407 [id_shop] => 0 [id_shop_group] => 0 [id_currency] => 0 [id_country] => 0 [id_group] => 0 [id_customer] => 0 [id_product_attribute] => 0 [price] => -1.000000 [from_quantity] => 1 [reduction] => 0.400000 [reduction_type] => percentage [from] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [to] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [score] => 32 ) [quantity_all_versions] => 1 [features] => Array ( ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [virtual] => 0 [pack] => 0 [packItems] => Array ( ) [nopackprice] => 0 [rate] => 22 [tax_name] => km EE 20% ) 1
• Thin and highly elastic laminated polyester that has been knit to provide good wind protection and ventilation
• Classic design122,00€ 73,20€ -40% -
- Based on natural raw materials
- Improves sliding properties and cares for the base
- Quick and easy to apply
- With sponge applicator
- Comfortable pocket size to go and wax en route
- Biodegradable
- Also used as rust protection for ski edge
Lihtsalt kasutatav universaalne kiirmääre suuskade libisemise parandamiseks.
[link_rewrite] => toko-express-mini-kiirmaare-libisemismaare [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_title] => [name] => Toko Express Mini kiirmääre libisemismääre [available_now] => [available_later] => [id_image] => 2118-3895 [legend] => Toko Express Mini kiirmääre libisemismääre [manufacturer_name] => Toko [id_product_attribute] => 4710 [new] => 0 [allow_oosp] => 0 [category] => libisemismaarded [link] => https://x-sport.ee/libisemismaarded/2118-toko-express-mini-kiirmaare-libisemismaare.html [attribute_price] => 0 [price_tax_exc] => 8.333333 [price_without_reduction] => 10.166666 [reduction] => 0 [specific_prices] => [quantity_all_versions] => 5 [features] => Array ( ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [virtual] => 0 [pack] => 0 [packItems] => Array ( ) [nopackprice] => 0 [rate] => 22 [tax_name] => km EE 20% ) 110,17€ -
- Suited for all types of snow regarding the physical meteodata like snow temperature and humidity
- Remarkable acceleration, higher final speed
- Improved long-term performance thanks to high abrasion-resistance
- Thanks to optimized particle size easy to iron/cork in
Wax Manual: shorturl.at/mtuIT
[description_short] =>This 100 % RACING WAX TECHNOLOGY Bloc to rub on is used as a Top Finish in racing and offers top gliding features and an improved abrasion-resistance.
Air: -2 °C — -12 °C 28 °F — 11 °F
Snow: -2 °C — -12 °C 28 °F — 11 °F
Humidity: 40 % — 80 %
[link_rewrite] => toko-jetstream-bloc-20-red-pulbriklots [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_title] => [name] => Toko JetStream Bloc 2.0 red pulbriklots [available_now] => [available_later] => [id_image] => 2117-3894 [legend] => Toko JetStream Bloc 2.0 red pulbriklots [manufacturer_name] => Toko [id_product_attribute] => 4709 [new] => 0 [allow_oosp] => 0 [category] => libisemismaarded [link] => https://x-sport.ee/libisemismaarded/2117-toko-jetstream-bloc-20-red-pulbriklots.html [attribute_price] => 0 [price_tax_exc] => 88.75 [price_without_reduction] => 108.275 [reduction] => 0 [specific_prices] => [quantity_all_versions] => 1 [features] => Array ( ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [virtual] => 0 [pack] => 0 [packItems] => Array ( ) [nopackprice] => 0 [rate] => 22 [tax_name] => km EE 20% ) 1108,28€ -
- Suited for all types of snow regarding the physical meteodata like snow temperature and humidity
- Remarkable acceleration, higher final speed
- Improved long-term performance thanks to high abrasion-resistance
- Thanks to optimized particle size easy to iron/cork in
Wax Manual: shorturl.at/mtuITThis 100 % RACING WAX TECHNOLOGY Bloc to rub on is used as a Top Finish in racing and offers top gliding features and an improved abrasion-resistance.
Snow: -8 °C — -30 °C 18 °F — -22 °F
Air: -8 °C — -30 °C 18 °F — -22 °F
Humidity: 0 % — 60 %
108,28€ -
- Finish First - Lihvi taseme näitab kätte Finish First: termin, mis hõlmab ja ühendab kõiki üksikute tehnoloogiliste etappide käigus tehtud toiminguid lõpliku suusapõhja saavutamiseks.
- Eelmääritud - Infrapunaga ettevalmistatud fluoriidi sisaldava määrdega käsitlus. Parimad libisemisomadused, kaitse mustuse ja oksüdeerumise eest. Powered by VAUHTI.
- Classic 812 - Võistlussuusa konstruktsioon pika, dünaamilise määrdepesaga minimaalseks määrde kaotuseks hõõrdumise tõttu. Ideaalne: külmas ja purgimäärde tingimusetes.
- Precision Pairing süsteem - Järgmise põlvkonna suusapaaride sobitamine: täisautomaatne dünaamilise mõõtmise tulemus suurt hulka sobituskriteeriume arvestades. Tagab täpse suusavaliku ja optimeeritud paarid.
- DTG World Cup Plus - Sügavam ja jämedam Plus struktuur, mis sobib ideaalnselt sooja ja niiskesse keskkonda. Toodetud kasutades looduslikku teemandi.
- Power kant - Tugevdatud suusašassii tagab pikema kasutusea. Homogeenne kaalujaotus tagab ühtlase määrdekulumise.
- Air Core Basalite Pro - Äärmiselt kerge ja väändevaba konstruktsioon väga stabiilete külgseintega. Vulkaaniline basalt kiud minimaalseks kaalus ja täiuslikud paindeomadused olenemata temperatuurist.
- Twin Skin - Kaks eraldi naha riba paigutatud kompenseerivatesse asukohtadesse ja integreeritud muutuva kõrgusega põhjale. Tulemuseks sile ja tasakaalustatud libisemine. Mohäär nahad tagavad hea tõuke.
Komplekt koos Race Classic IFP sidemetega.
Twin Skin Race koos nihutatud, muutuva sügavusega mohääriribade disainiga on loodud ühtlaseks ja tõhusaks haardeks eriti kõval lumel ja jäistel radadel, et saavutada tõeline jõudluse eelis. Kerge ja stabiilne Air Core konstruktsioon tagab stabiilsuse suuremal kiirusel.
[link_rewrite] => fischer-twin-skin-race-stiff-ifp-sidemed [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_title] => [name] => FISCHER TWIN SKIN RACE STIFF + IFP SIDEMED [available_now] => [available_later] => [id_image] => 2102-3879 [legend] => FISCHER TWIN SKIN RACE STIFF + IFP SIDEMED [manufacturer_name] => Fischer [id_product_attribute] => 4663 [new] => 0 [allow_oosp] => 0 [category] => murdmaasuusad [link] => https://x-sport.ee/murdmaasuusad/2102-fischer-twin-skin-race-stiff-ifp-sidemed.html [attribute_price] => 0 [price_tax_exc] => 324.166667 [price_without_reduction] => 395.483334 [reduction] => 0 [specific_prices] => [quantity_all_versions] => 1 [features] => Array ( ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [virtual] => 0 [pack] => 0 [packItems] => Array ( ) [nopackprice] => 0 [rate] => 22 [tax_name] => km EE 20% ) 1395,48€ -
Fabrics 100% Polyester Features Moisture Transport
Soft Touch
StretchGender Women Soft and functional half zip with structured fabric, longer back and thumb holes.
[link_rewrite] => craft-pin-halfzip-w-pullover- [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_title] => [name] => Craft Pin Halfzip W Pullover [available_now] => [available_later] => [id_image] => 2100-3874 [legend] => Craft Pin Halfzip W Pullover [manufacturer_name] => Craft [id_product_attribute] => 4659 [new] => 0 [allow_oosp] => 0 [category] => sargid [link] => https://x-sport.ee/sargid/2100-craft-pin-halfzip-w-pullover-.html [attribute_price] => 0 [price_tax_exc] => 37.416667 [price_without_reduction] => 45.648334 [reduction] => 0 [specific_prices] => [quantity_all_versions] => 2 [features] => Array ( ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [virtual] => 0 [pack] => 0 [packItems] => Array ( ) [nopackprice] => 0 [rate] => 22 [tax_name] => km EE 20% ) 145,65€ -
Fabrics Fabric 1: Face 100% Polyester Mid 100% PU Back 94% Polyester 6% Elastane Fabric 2: Face 100% Polyester Mid 100% PU Back 100% Polyester Features Keep Warm
Wind Protective
StretchGender Women Warm softshell vest with elastic side panels for low-intensity winter training.
[link_rewrite] => craft-warm-vest-wms- [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_title] => [name] => Craft Warm Vest WMS [available_now] => [available_later] => [id_image] => 2094-3859 [legend] => Craft Warm Vest WMS [manufacturer_name] => Craft [id_product_attribute] => 4636 [new] => 0 [allow_oosp] => 0 [category] => vestid [link] => https://x-sport.ee/vestid/2094-craft-warm-vest-wms-.html [attribute_price] => 0 [price_tax_exc] => 50 [price_without_reduction] => 61 [reduction] => 0 [specific_prices] => [quantity_all_versions] => 1 [features] => Array ( ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [virtual] => 0 [pack] => 0 [packItems] => Array ( ) [nopackprice] => 0 [rate] => 22 [tax_name] => km EE 20% ) 161,00€
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