Murdmaa – varv must/punane – Tootja Craft/Fischer
( 41 toodet
Filtreeri tooteid
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[description_short] => Stable RCS Skate boot designed to put the power where it needs to be. A new last offers an improved performance fit, while breathable Triple-F Membrane keeps moisture out for warm and comfort.
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Vali võrdluseks
Fischer RCS Skate suusasaapad
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[description] =>
[description_short] => Get kids on track to having fun with the comfort and support of the XJ Sprint boot. A full lace cover combined with Comfort Guard insulation keeps feet warm and dry, while a softer sole flex makes striding easier.
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Vali võrdluseks
Fischer XJ Sprint suusasaapad
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[description] =>
Comfort Guard - Ülimalt kerge ja vetthülgav isolatsioon täiendavaks termiliseks kaitseks jala esi- ja varbaosas.
Easy Entry aasad - Tänu otstarbekatele jalgapanekuaasadele ja laiade avaustega ehitusele on saapaid mugav jalga panna ja jalast ära võtta.
Fischer Fresh - alati värsked saapad, aitab vältida ebameeldivat lõhna
Fischer kiirlukk - Uus ja revolutsiooniline minimaalse suuruse ja kaaluga kiirlukustus. Lihtsalt tõmba paelad pingule ja ongi kõik! Süsteem on ohutu ja usaldusväärne.
Hinged Polymer mansett - Ergonoomiline vormitud mansett erakordseks külgpidavuseks koos suurepärase ette- ja tahasuunalise liikumisvabadusega. Kerge reguleerimine tänu takjakinnitusele. Saapa kalde reguleerimise ja EVA-polstri olemasolu sõltub mudelist.
Injected Exterior Heel Cap - Hea kanna fikseerimine ja robustne kaitse ühes elemendis: väline kannatugevdus veelgi paremaks jõuülekandeks.
Paelte kate - Paelakatted pakuvad lisakaitset lume ja märgade olude eest ning hoiavad jala mugavalt soojas.
Race Fit Concept - Õige istuvus kõikidele vajadustele. Kas tegemist on naisejala kujuga mugavuseks või võistlusversiooniga või noortele suusatajatele mõeldud variandiga või vastava liistuga universaalsetele sõitjatele või ka otsest jõuülekannet vajavate võidusõitjate jalaga: Boot Fit Concept-il spetsiaalsete liistudega on selleks vastus sõltumata jala morfoloogiast või vajadustest eri kasutusgruppides.
Sealed Zipper lukk - Eriline peidetud luku süsteem hoiab niiskuse eemal.
Velcro rihm - Kinnituselement mansettide ja jalaselja rihmade jaoks, lihtne käsitleda ja reguleerida.
Thermo Fit - Erakordse isolatsiooniga termovormitav vahtpehmendus - sobib ideaalselt igale jalale.
Triple F membraan - Tänu spetsiaalsele membraanile on saapa sisetingimused täiuslikud - keskkond on kuiv, soe ja hingav.
[description_short] =>
Olles keskendunud mugavusele, pakub RC5 Skate saabas mõistliku hinnaga kindlat saavutusvõimeti. Uus sobivam ja õhem profiil parandab tõhusust ja vähendab kaalu. Isolatsioon ja hingav Triple-F membraan hoiavad jalad soojas ja kuivas.
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Vali võrdluseks
Fischer RC5 Skate suusasaapad
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[description_short] => Tuurisaabas, mis keskendub kindluse ja mugavuse tagamisele kõigil tasanditel suusatajatele. Lihtne sisenemine ja paelte kate tagavad mugava ja turvalise istuvuse ja hoiavad lume saapast eemal. Comfort Guard veekindel soojusisolatsioon jalatsi esiosas hoiab jalad kuivad ja soojas.
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Vali võrdluseks
Fischer XC Touring suusasaapad
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[description_short] => Practical, convenient drink belt holds a 0.75 liter BPA-free water bottle and has additional zippered pockets for small essentials. Padded back panel, adjustable belt, and reflectivity enhance comfort and safety.
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Vali võrdluseks
Drink/Fitbelt Fischer joogivöö
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[description] => • 3L wind- & waterproof stretch fabric at front & lower leg, 15k/10k • Embossed back in recycled jersey for optimal ventilation & moisture transport • Snug speed fitting • Perforated ventilation at sides • Shaped knees to follow body shape • Concealed zip at leg endings • Taped leg endings • Elastic waistband with adjustable draw string
[description_short] => Pro-grade XC tights for high-intensity training with wind- and water-protective front and recycled jersey back.
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Vali võrdluseks
Craft PRO Velocity Wind Tights...
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[description_short] => Taking cues from the World Cup, the new Carbonlite Skate boot has eliminated weight and increased performance. A new carbon cuff and heel counter work in tandem with an improved inner boot and lacing system for optimal energy transfer and control.
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Vali võrdluseks
Fischer Carbonlite Skate...
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[description] => This high-performance garment combines lightweight SEAQUAL polyester, Coolmax Air Technology and recycled polyester to provide exceptional body-temperature management during high-intensity activities. In addition, the garment comes with a waffle-knitted design for enhanced moisture transport and comfort. Great stretch and ergonomic fit ensure optimal freedom of movement while bodymapped mesh panels provide extra ventilation where it’s needed the most. A proven favorite among elite athletes and everyday heroes. SEAQUAL eco-friendly fabric The SEAQUAL Initiative challenges plastic pollution and helps to clean our oceans from marine litter, driving society towards circularity. A result of our ambition to take full responsibility for the entire value chain, Active Extreme X CN LS is made of upcycled marine plastics, a 100% recycled material. The recycled SEAQUAL fabric is not only eco-friendly but offers exceptional moisture transport and ventilation as well. Coolmax Air Technology Coolmax Air Technology fabrics are designed to optimize the body’s natural temperature management in cold as well as warm conditions. Featuring polyester fibers with a unique propeller-shaped cross-section, the fabric provides excellent thermoregulation for optimal performance. Tests have shown that garments made with the Coolmax Air Technology offer superior body-temperature management, great comfort and superb quick-dry effect. - Thin, lightweight and elastic fabric - SEAQUAL polyester produced from recycled plastic - Coolmax Air Technology - Waffle-knitted design for maximum moisture transport and comfort - Mesh inserts at armpits for enhanced ventilation - Flatlock seams that follow body movements - Tight fit - Moisture transport: 5 out of 5 - Activity level: 5 out of 5 - Temperature: -5ºC to +10ºC
[description_short] => Active Extreme X CN LS is a long-sleeve baselayer jersey designed for racing and high-intensity workouts in mild to cold winter conditions.
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Vali võrdluseks
Craft Icon Active Extreme X CN...
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[description] => This high-performance garment combines lightweight SEAQUAL polyester, Coolmax Air Technology and recycled polyester to provide exceptional body-temperature management during high-intensity activities. In addition, the garment comes with wind-protection at front and a waffle-knitted design for enhanced moisture transport and comfort. Great stretch and ergonomic fit ensure optimal freedom of movement. A proven favorite among elite athletes and everyday heroes. SEAQUAL eco-friendly fabric The SEAQUAL Initiative challenges plastic pollution and helps to clean our oceans from marine litter, driving society towards circularity. A result of our ambition to take full responsibility for the entire value chain, Active Extreme X Wind LS is made of upcycled marine plastics, a 100% recycled material. The recycled SEAQUAL fabric is not only eco-friendly but offers exceptional moisture transport and ventilation as well. Coolmax Air Technology Coolmax Air Technology fabrics are designed to optimize the body’s natural temperature management in cold as well as warm conditions. Featuring polyester fibers with a unique propeller-shaped cross-section, the fabric provides excellent thermoregulation for optimal performance. Tests have shown that garments made with the Coolmax Air Technology offer superior body-temperature management, great comfort and superb quick-dry effect. - Thin, lightweight and elastic fabric - Elastic wind-protective panels at front body, shoulders and sleeves in a 2-layer wind proof fabric - SEAQUAL polyester produced from recycled plastic - Coolmax Air Technology - Waffle-knitted design for maximum moisture transport and comfort - Flatlock seams that follow body movements - Tight fit - Moisture transport: 5 out of 5 - Activity level: 5 out of 5 - Temperature: -5ºC to +10ºC
[description_short] => Active Extreme X Wind LS is a long-sleeve baselayer jersey with wind protection at front designed for racing and high-intensity workouts in cold and windy conditions.
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Vali võrdluseks
Craft Icon Active Extreme X Wind...
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[description] => This high-performance garment combines lightweight SEAQUAL polyester, Coolmax Air Technology and recycled polyester to provide exceptional body-temperature management during high-intensity activities. In addition, the garment comes with wind-protection at front and a waffle-knitted design for enhanced moisture transport and comfort. Great stretch and ergonomic fit ensure optimal freedom of movement. A proven favorite among elite athletes and everyday heroes. SEAQUAL eco-friendly fabric The SEAQUAL Initiative challenges plastic pollution and helps to clean our oceans from marine litter, driving society towards circularity. A result of our ambition to take full responsibility for the entire value chain, Active Extreme X Wind Boxer are made of upcycled marine plastics, a 100% recycled material. The recycled SEAQUAL fabric is not only eco-friendly but offers exceptional moisture transport and ventilation as well. Coolmax Air Technology Coolmax Air Technology fabrics are designed to optimize the body’s natural temperature management in cold as well as warm conditions. Featuring polyester fibers with a unique propeller-shaped cross-section, the fabric provides excellent thermoregulation for optimal performance. Tests have shown that garments made with the Coolmax Air Technology offer superior body-temperature management, great comfort and superb quick-dry effect. - Thin, lightweight and elastic fabric - Elastic wind-protective panel at crotch in a 2-layer wind proof fabric - SEAQUAL polyester produced from recycled plastic - Coolmax Air Technology - Waffle-knitted design for maximum moisture transport and comfort - Flatlock seams that follow body movements - Tight fit - Moisture transport: 5 out of 5 - Activity level: 5 out of 5 - Temperature: -5ºC to +10ºC
[description_short] => Active Extreme X Wind Boxer are advanced boxer briefs with wind protection at front designed for racing and high-intensity workouts in cold and windy conditions.
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Vali võrdluseks
Craft Active Extreme X Wind...
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Fabric 1: 100% Polyester Fabric 2: 87% Polyester 13% Elastane
Wind Protective Stretch Moisture Transport
96 gr/m²
[description_short] =>
Classic, highly functional cross-country skiing jacket with windproof front and elastic, ventilating back. • Thin and highly elastic laminated polyester that has been knit to provide good wind protection and ventilation • Classic design
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Vali võrdluseks
Craft Club Jacket naiste suusajakk
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100% Polyester
Moisture Transport Soft Touch Stretch
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Soft and functional half zip with structured fabric, longer back and thumb holes.
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Vali võrdluseks
Craft Pin Halfzip W Pullover
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[description] => • Warm and wind-protective training tights • Elastic, windproof front panel • Reflective pipings • Opening below knee for optimal freedom of movement • Drawcord at waist
[description_short] => Warm and wind-protective tights with excellent fit and moisture transport.
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Vali võrdluseks
Craft Storm Balance Tights...
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[description] => • Contrast zipper • Rib at sleeve end and at hem
[description_short] => Lightweight and stretchy half-zip midlayer designed for all kinds of activities.
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Fabric 1: Face 100% Polyester Mid 100% PU Back 94% Polyester 6% Elastane Fabric 2: Face 100% Polyester Mid 100% PU Back 100% Polyester
Keep Warm Wind Protective Stretch
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Warm softshell vest with elastic side panels for low-intensity winter training.
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Vali võrdluseks
Craft Warm Vest WMS
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Vali võrdluseks
Craft Warm Vest
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Külgedel peidetud lukuga taskud.
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Vali võrdluseks
CRAFT Grid Halfzip Pullover...
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Peaaegu õmblustevaba. Tagab parema liikuvuse ja seljas istuvuse.
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Vali võrdluseks
Craft Comfort Fuseknit...
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[description] => Ergonoomiline ja väga elastne
Coolmax Air kangast
Väga kerge kangas
[description_short] => Äärmiselt kerge ja väga hea niiskusimavusega spordipesu harrastajale kui ka tippsportlasele.
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Vali võrdluseks
Craft Active Extreme 2.0...
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Coolmax Air kangast ventilatsiooni avad
[description_short] => Äärmiselt kerge ja väga hea niiskusimavusega spordipesu harrastajale kui ka tippsportlasele.
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Vali võrdluseks
Craft Active Extreme 2.0...
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Hoiab keha sooja ja kuivana.
Ilma õmblusteta.
Valmistatud polüestrist.
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Lukuga kaelaosa
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Vali võrdluseks
Craft Active Comfort ZIP naiste...
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Coolmax Air kangast ventilatsiooni avad
[description_short] => Äärmiselt kerge ja väga hea niiskusimavusega spordipesu harrastajale kui ka tippsportlasele.
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Vali võrdluseks
Craft Active Extreme 2.0...
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Pealis Gore Windstopper.
Neopreenist käise osa.
Silikoonist ribad peopesal paremaks haardumiseks.
[description_short] => Gore Windstopper pealisega.
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Vali võrdluseks
Craft Power WS suusakindad
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Ergonoomise kujuga pikkadeks treeninguteks.
Seest pehme voodriga.
Soojad suuskindad.
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Vali võrdluseks
Craft Power Thermo suusakindad
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Pehmed ja mugavad.
Hoiavad keha kuivana.
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Vali võrdluseks
Craft Warm Multi 2-Pack laste...
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Esiosa tuulekindla membraaniga (Gore Windstopper)
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Vali võrdluseks
Craft Active Extreme WindStopper...
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Õmblusteta kehaosa.
Aktiivseks treeninguks.
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Vali võrdluseks
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Erite kergest ja kiirest kuivavast kangast.
Esipaneelid tuultpidava membraaniga (Gore Windstopper).
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Vali võrdluseks
Craft Active Extreme WindStopper...
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[description] => Soe ja kerge suusavest.
Esiosa tuult pidav.
Taga küljel lukuga tasku.
[description_short] => Soe ja kerge suusavest.
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Vali võrdluseks
Craft PXC Storm Vest naiste