Jalgrattad ja tarvikud ( 664 toodet )

toodet lehel

Filtreeri tooteid

Jalgrattad internetist

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    Zoom! The INJEX T-ZOOM compact aluminium pump from SKS with universal MULTIVALVE connection features the integrated telescopic function. The pump is fitted with an ergonomic 2-component folding T-handle and rests comfortably in the hand. Other features are the connectable high pressure stage up to 10 bar and the clamping lever that ensures a secure valve connection. The 2-point pump holder enables the pump to be mounted underneath the bottle cage or in its place.

    [description_short] =>

    5 Jahre Garantie

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    SKS INJEX T-ZOOM käsipump

    SKS INJEX T-ZOOM käsipump

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    Asendamtu tööriist kummivahetusel.

    Kogus 2tk

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    Super B kummiheeblid

    Super B kummiheeblid

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    Mõõt 30-622

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    Kenda K879 30-622 väliskumm

    Kenda K879 30-622 väliskumm

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    Mõõt 37-622 / 700x35c

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    Kenda Krosscyclo K161 37-622 väliskumm

    Kenda Krosscyclo K161 37-622...

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    • 60 TPI
    • recommended for E-Bikes up to 25 km/h
    • K-Shield Plus
    • with reflex
    • 28 x 1.75 / 47-622
    [description_short] =>

    Torkekindla K-Shield Plus karkassiga.

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    Kenda Khan K-Shield Plus 28x1.75 väliskumm

    Kenda Khan K-Shield Plus 28x1.75...

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    • 22 TPI
    • size: 26x1,95 / 50-559
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    KENDA K-90 26x1.95 väliskumm

    KENDA K-90 26x1.95 väliskumm

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    Mõõt 24x1.95 / 50-507

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    Kenda K1153 24x1.95 väliskumm

    Kenda K1153 24x1.95 väliskumm

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    Mõõt 20x2,125 / 57-406

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    Kenda K-50 20x2,125 väliskumm

    Kenda K-50 20x2,125 väliskumm

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    Mõõt 20x2.225 / 57-406

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    Kenda Krackpot 20x2.225 väliskumm

    Kenda Krackpot 20x2.225 väliskumm

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    Mõõt: 16x1.75 / 47-305

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    Kenda 16x1.75 K853

    Kenda 16x1.75 K853

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    • Advanced Premium Tires Elite
    • rubber compound: L3R Pro
    • Kevlar (foldable)
    • 29 x 2.10 / 54-622
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    Traadita küljega, võistlustaseme maastikuratta väliskumm

    Väga hea veerevuse ja pidamise suhtega

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    KENDA Small Block Eight Sport 26x2.1 väliskumm

    KENDA Small Block Eight Elite...

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    • 30 TPI
    • weight 719 g
    • 29x2,1 / 622-54
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    Elastse kummiseguga ja hea haarduvega maastikuratta väliskumm

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    KENDA 50 Fifty 27.5x2.1" väliskumm

    KENDA 50 Fifty 29x2.1" väliskumm

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    Elastse kummiseguga ja hea haarduvega maastikuratta väliskumm

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    KENDA 50 Fifty 27.5x2.1" väliskumm

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    • size: 26"
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    • weight 662 g
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    Elastse kummiseguga ja hea haarduvega maastikuratta väliskumm

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    KENDA 50 Fifty 26x2.1" väliskumm

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    Sobib Shimano/Sram tirrile


    Ülekanne 11-32T

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    Sobib Shimano/Sram tirrile


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    Sobib Shimano/Sram tirrile


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    Sobib Shimano/Sram tirrile


    Ülekanne 11-32T

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    Kassett SunRace 8-käiku, 11-32T

    Kassett SunRace 8-käiku, 11-32T

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    Sobib Shimano/Sram tirrile

    Ülekanne 11-24T

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    Kassett SunRace CSR63 7-käiku, 11-24

    Kassett SunRace CSR63 7-käiku,...

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    Sobib Shimano/Sram tirrile

    Ülekanne 11-28T

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    Kassett SunRace 7-käiku 11-28T

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    • 30 TPI
    • with 368 studs
    • weight 1304 g
    • ETRO 54-584
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    Winterbreak? The Klondike Wide has carbide tipped studs, so the Kenda tire works through ice and snow. It's open square knob pattern gives more traction, while it's large casing stables the wheel arch through snowy conditions.

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    Kenda Klondike Wide 27.5X2.1 Naelkumm

    Kenda Klondike Wide 27.5X2.1...

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    Saadaval mõõdus 29X2.25 /  57-622

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    Traadiga Race Guard Performance seeria rehv.

    402 naela.

    Naastrehvide "turbo" - kergem, haakuvam, kiirem.

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    Schwalbe Ice Spiker Pro 29X2.25 /  57-622 Naelkumm

    Schwalbe Ice Spiker Pro 29X2.25...

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    Saadavl mõõdus 50-622 / 29X2.0

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    MARATHON WINTER 50-622 helkurriba ja 208 naastuga. Traadiga Performance Line naastrehv, tagab kindla pidamise jäistel teedel, haakub hästi kurvides ja pidurdusmaa on minimaalne. Naastud töötavad paremini keskmise rehvirõhuga.

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    61,92€ 58,82€ -5%
     Schwalbe Marathon Winter Plus 29X2.0 / 50-622 Naelkumm

    Schwalbe Marathon Winter Plus...

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    Saadaval mõõdus: 35-622

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    Traadiga Performance Line rehv, tagab kindla pidamise jäistel teedel, haakub hästi kurvides ja pidurdusmaa on minimaalne. Naastud töötavad kõige paremini keskmise rehvirõhuga.

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    Schwalbe Marathon Winter Plus...

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    Saadaval mõõdus 30-622 

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    100 naastu

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    Schwalbe Winter 30-622 Naelkumm

    Schwalbe Winter 30-622 Naelkumm

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    Innovative Dirtboard with rubber fastening for downtube mounting, matching to X-Blade:
    – adjustable soft rubber cable-spacers, ideal to adapt on almost any tube profile
    – dual compound-softspoiler
    – robust rubber fastening
    – fits all frames
    – for bikers from 24 to 28″”

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    5 Jahre Garantie

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    PV - presta ventiil 48mm



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    M6B Uomo: fi’zi:k’s range of performance mountain biking shoes is developed in collaboration with leading professional cyclists and the best technologies, materials, R&D, testing and manufacture techniques are used to deliver you the best shoes for MTB riding and racing – be it for XC, Enduro, All-Mountain, trail or beyond.Those benefits trickle down through the range.
    M6B offers a superior blend of comfort and fit, power transfer, light weight, and trail-tough resilience. It features a tough rubber outsole combined with a carbon reinforced Nylon midsole – giving stiffness for ultimate power transfer, superior grip and protection from the trail.
    M6B combines with the comfortable fi’zi:k Cycling Insole’s sculpted footbeds and supportive heel to make sure that every precious watt goes straight into your pedals.
    Its light, micro-adjustable Boa L5 Bridge closure system is complemented by a pair of tough Microtex Velcro straps. It uses Reinforced Microtex combined with Nylon mesh for comfort, ventilation, and fit, and is tough enough for any riding conditions.
    The M6B Uomo is all-mountain tough yet weighs just 385g (size 42.5).

    [description_short] =>

    Materials: Reinforced Microtex/
    Nylon Mesh / Reflective PU
    Outsole: Rubber Outsole / Carbon Reinforced Midsole
    Closure system: Boa L5 Bridge/ Welded Microtex Straps
    Insole: fi'zi:k cycling insole
    Weight: 385 g (size 42,5)

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        [description] => 

    R4B offers a carefully crafted blend of comfort and light weight, fit, power transfer and aerodynamic efficiency.

    R4B’s single Boa IP1-A closure control is light, fast, secure, aerodynamic and comfortable – and is complemented by a pair of light, neatly adjustable micro-straps.

    The R4B’s injected carbon fiber outsole is stiff for power transfer and sculpted to aid aerodynamics. It combines with the proven supportive and comfortable fi’zi:k Cycling Insole with sculpted footbeds and supportive heel to ensure that every precious watt goes straight into your pedals.

    The R4B’s Microfiber upper is hard-wearing, light, and resilient with enough flexibility to ensure comfort for every rider’s foot, but strong enough to withstand the demands of racing – without any weight penalty. The diamond-shaped laser-cut perforations help temperature management.

    R4B Uomo weighs just 254g (size 42.5).

    [description_short] =>

    R4B Uomo: fi’zi:k’s range of road cycling shoes is developed in collaboration with leading professional cyclists and used to great effect by WorldTour, Olympic and World Championship riders. The best technologies, materials, R&D, testing and manufacture techniques are used to deliver you the best shoes for road riding and racing, and trickle down throughout the range.

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    203,33€ 101,67€ -50%


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        [description] => 
    The Microtex upper is supple yet strong and stable for a comfortable and consistent fit. It is assembled in a sleek and streamlined yet highly ergonomic pattern, offering you the protection you need. 

    Overcurve is a shoe construction featuring a staggered collar that wraps around the ankle, tracing the natural misalignment of the ankle’s two bony protrusions: the lateral and medial malleoli. The result is an asymmetrical shape, with the throat of the shoe curving over the foot from its outside to its inner side. The closure is simple and secure, powered by a micro-adjustable BOA IP1 dial. 

    Vento Overcurve X3 are assembled with extensive use of welding and laminated reinforcements, reducing exposed stitching that could collect dirt. They are light but tough, durable and easy to wipe and clean.

    The race-orientated characteristics of these shoes are continued with the X3 carbon injected outsole: it’s minimal to save weight, but stiff for power transfer, and with an aggressive tread that claws the ground and easily sheds the mud.
    VENTO: Performance racing series designed in collaboration with professional cyclists

    X-ROAD: Designed and engineered to perform off-road, from singletrack to gravel roads and everything in between


    Overcurve: asymmetrical construction that ergonomically conforms to the foot’s anatomy
    Microtex upper: supple yet strong and durable for a comfortable and consistent fit
    X3 outsole: a carbon injected race-stiff interface with a durable TPU tread


    - BOA IP1-B dial
    - X3 outsole – carbon injected nylon with TPU tread
    - Approximate weight: 288g (size 42 - 1/2 pair)
    [description_short] =>

    Vento Overcurve X3 is an XC racing shoe designed and created to deliver its core functions: to fit precisely, protect you and transfer watts efficiently as you power through the race tape.

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    Persta ventiil 


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    KENDA 26X1.75-2.125 PV 48MM SISEKUMM

    KENDA 26X1.75-2.125 PV 48MM...

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    KENDA 26X1.75-2.125 AV SISEKUMM

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    KENDA 20X1.75-2.125 AV SISEKUMM

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    The Kountach represents the standard which all other race clinchers are measured against. Elite racing clincher, with rounded profile, in conjunction with the R2C dual rubber compound has an exceptional low rolling resistance, while offering incredible cornering control in dry and wet conditions. The Kountach features the same Iron Cloak Belt flat protection used in our tubular and R2C rubber compound on a supple 120tpi casing.

    [description_short] =>
    • Smooth center tread with textured shoulders
    • R2C Rubber Compound
    • Weight: 213 +/-11g
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        [description] => 
    • Newest entry level training/road enthusiast tire
    • Colored tires feature the R2C rubber compound, while the black uses the L3R Pro rubber paired to a 60tpi casing for the best blend of longevity, performance and affordability
    • Upgraded for 2018 with Iron Cap Belt flat protection
    • Front or Rear application
    • Reflective Hot Patch on the tire adds visibility in low light situations
    [description_short] =>

    Redesigned in 2018 for longer life and better performance. A thicker tread cap add mores miles to the life of the tire, while the Iron Cap Belt puncture protection keeps you rolling. Professional level performance in a price for the weekend warrior.

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        [description] => 
    • World-class rolling resistance - the Valkyrie is our fastest rolling road clincher.
    • Professional level grip.
    • Protected by K-Armor for state of the art puncture protection.
    • Be seen - Reflective hot patch for better nighttime visibility, clincher version only.
    • Tubeless Ready - green KSCT liner for tubeless use and flat protection.
    • Weight: 252g +/-13g
    [description_short] =>

    Good is never good enough for you. You expect the highest levels of quality and performance while maintaining practical levels of durability and flat resistance. The Valkyrie is Kenda’s all new high performance road tire - fast, reliable and light. It offers excellent rolling resistance, superior wet and dry grip and a very high level of puncture resistance. 

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    71,07€ 49,75€ -30%


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        [description] => 

    HIGHLIGHTS WHAT’S NEW » Minimal rolling resistance – Thanks to our new race compound R3C the Saber offers minimal rolling resistance whilst ensuring maximal grip on dry undergrounds. » Tubeless ready – All Saber Pro models are tubeless ready. That not only saves weight and provides a better rolling performance. Riding tubeless also means riding flat free. » World Cup approved – This tire was developed in cooperation with World Cup athletes on the Kenda –Intense, Bianchi MTB, and Ridebiker Alliance teams. Performance that the best trust on, and you can trust in.

    [description_short] =>

    Fast, light and race approved The all new Saber is one of the fastest and lightest XC race tires on the market. This tire was developed with World Cup athletes and combines low rolling resistance, lightweight and amazing grip on fast and dry race tracks.

    Weight: 539+/-26g

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    CrMo võll

    Kinniste laagritega



    [description_short] =>

    Väga kvaliteetsed CrMo võlliga pedaalid

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    VP Alu Pedaalid

    VP Alu Pedaalid

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        [description] => 
        [description_short] => 

    A bike like its name. The Harmony is a flawless bike that harmonises with your lifestyle; for shopping, to work or the swimming pool. It’s also on entry level with derailleur sytem for economical riders.

    • Well fitted disc breaks especially for trekking bikes.

    • Stable 28 inch ZZYZX wheels.

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    Corratec harmony Gent Linnaratas

    Corratec Harmony Gent Linnaratas

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        [description_short] => 

    The S-Class of the Trekking bikes. The very stylish bike stands out because of is massive amount of comfort. The upright riding position and the 29 inch wheels push the comfort of the bike to the next level.

    • Reliable shifting provided by Shimano DEORE 2x10.

    • Hydraulic Disc brakes for very good braking performance.

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    1 371,48€ 1 097,19€ -20%
    Corratec C29 TWO Gent Trekkingbike

    Corratec C29 TWO Gent Trekkingbike

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    The high-performance PROFIT Aero range by Spiuk has been developed to optimise aerodynamic performance during road challenges.

    The Profit Aero gloves have been carefully designed to deliver aerodynamic advantage. Elastic and seamless, they allow for unimpeded airflow through the back of the hand. Their extra flat palms result in perfect fit when holding the handle bars, thus reducing airflow resistance. In addition, they are very comfortable, courtesy of reinforcements and anti-slip solutions.

    [description_short] =>

    Fewer seams for reduced aero drag. Anatomical fit in fingers.
    Very tight pattern, adapted to coupled postures. Two-way stretch fabric in the back of the hand for perfect fit. 
    Resistant palm fabric for extended useful life. Extra flat palms for perfect fit on handle bars. Anatomical reinforcements for greater comfort.
    Silicone pads for perfect grip on handle bars. Easy off/on pull tabs.

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    Spiuk PROFIT Aero  Rattakindad

    Spiuk PROFIT Aero Rattakindad

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        [description] => 

    - Ergonomic design, light and attractive.
    - Very stable. Wide anti slip surfaces.
    - Double inyection frame. XT Grilamid and Rubber
    - Shatterproff 1 complete lens.
    - Photocromatic versions and wide range of alternative lenses.
    - Hard case and special microfiber sleeve.

    [description_short] =>

    Born to coexist with the harshness of high competition, its lightness, stability and comfort make them perfect to coexist with the effort.
    The quality of the components and their features answer the highest demands of sportsmen who have cooperated in their development.
    And their personality make them to be noticed. 

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    Spiuk Arqus Spordiprillid

    Spiuk Arqus Spordiprillid

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        [description] => 

    Large protection area thanks to its enveloping shape
    Very light and strong frame made of GRILAMID TR90
    Shatterproof polycarbonate lenses with internal anti-fog treatment
    Versions with photochromic lenses
    Microfibre sleeve included
    Hard protective case with fabric exterior

    [description_short] =>

    Very popular amongst competitors in different fields due largely to its extended arc shape that makes it extremely enveloping and protective. It adapts perfectly to a wide range of face shapes.

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    Spiuk Ventix Spordiprillid

    Spiuk Ventix Spordiprillid

  •             	Array
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        [description] => 

    Large protection area thanks to its enveloping shape
    Very light and strong frame made of GRILAMID TR90
    Shatterproof polycarbonate lenses with internal anti-fog treatment
    Versions with photochromic lenses
    Microfibre sleeve included
    Hard protective case with fabric exterior

    [description_short] =>

    Very popular amongst competitors in different fields due largely to its extended arc shape that makes it extremely enveloping and protective. It adapts perfectly to a wide range of face shapes.

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    Spiuk Ventix Spordiprillid

    Spiuk Ventix Spordiprillid

  •             	Array
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        [id_lang] => 2
        [description] => 

    Large protection area thanks to its enveloping shape
    Very light and strong frame made of GRILAMID TR90
    Shatterproof polycarbonate lenses with internal anti-fog treatment
    Versions with photochromic lenses
    Microfibre sleeve included
    Hard protective case with fabric exterior

    [description_short] =>

    Very popular amongst competitors in different fields due largely to its extended arc shape that makes it extremely enveloping and protective. It adapts perfectly to a wide range of face shapes.

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    Spiuk Ventix Spordiprillid

    Spiuk Ventix Spordiprillid

  •             	Array
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        [description] => 

    - Fully enveloping shape.
    - Double injection temples.
    - Made of Grilamid TR90
    - Extensive non-slip surface area made of RUBBER XT.
    - High optical quality shatterproof polycarbonate lenses.
    - Adjustable nose bridge.
    - Variety of lenses and colours

    [description_short] =>

    The Binomio is an iteration of the popular Binomial, which already offered versatility and sports features that were difficult to equal in sports glasses, and enabled your prescription glasses to be easily attached. Using the same enveloping and protective shape as its predecessor, the Binomio provides enhanced stability thanks its temples' larger non-slip surface.

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    Spiuk Binomio Spordiprillid

    Spiuk Binomio Spordiprillid

  •             	Array
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        [description] => 

    - Fully enveloping shape.
    - Double injection temples.
    - Made of Grilamid TR90
    - Extensive non-slip surface area made of RUBBER XT.
    - High optical quality shatterproof polycarbonate lenses.
    - Adjustable nose bridge.
    - Variety of lenses and colours

    [description_short] =>

    The Binomio is an iteration of the popular Binomial, which already offered versatility and sports features that were difficult to equal in sports glasses, and enabled your prescription glasses to be easily attached. Using the same enveloping and protective shape as its predecessor, the Binomio provides enhanced stability thanks its temples' larger non-slip surface.

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    Spiuk Binomio Spordiprillid

    Spiuk Binomio Spordiprillid

  •             	Array
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        [description] => 

    - Ergonomic design, light and attractive.
    - Very stable. Wide anti slip surfaces.
    - Double inyection frame. XT Grilamid and Rubber
    - Shatterproff 1 complete lens.
    - Photocromatic versions and wide range of alternative lenses.
    - Hard case and special microfiber sleeve.

    [description_short] =>

    Born to coexist with the harshness of high competition, its lightness, stability and comfort make them perfect to coexist with the effort.
    The quality of the components and their features answer the highest demands of sportsmen who have cooperated in their development.
    And their personality make them to be noticed. 

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    Spiuk Arqus Spordiprillid

    Spiuk Arqus Spordiprillid

  •             	Array
        [id_product] => 1941
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        [id_manufacturer] => 96
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        [description] => 

    Transitions are crucial in triathlon races. Every split second matters, and triathletes must be fast and stay focused. Our TRIVIUM shoes have been designed to make transitions easy, so that you can put them on and start pedalling before your rivals in the stressful start of the bike ride. In our TRIVIUM shoes, every single detail has been taken care of to deliver the maximum comfort and top performance athletes need to face the physically taxing and psychologically demanding challenges of triathlon.

    [description_short] =>

    - Striking and dynamic outer design.
    - Optimised upper to put on easily in fast transitions.
    - Large ventilated area in upper using HIGH FLOW 3 mesh fabric.
    - Adjustable flap with easy cut of spare rubber strap.
    - Heel pull for easy entry.
    - Two elements to attach shoe to bike: inner side closure and heel loop.
    - Reinforced toecap.
    - Stiff sole made of fibreglass and polyamide, with air channels.

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    111,73€ 55,87€ -50%
    Spiuk Trivium Rattakingad

    Spiuk Trivium Rattakingad

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        [description] => 

    Your off-road shoes. Since they have hybrid soles, you can wear your Quasar shoes for both riding and hiking. Their solid construction and comfortable design make them apt for all kinds of purposes, from taxing rugged terrain to easy paths and recreational outings. The Quasar shoes meet the needs of all kinds of riders, both experts and amateurs.

    In the M2V® version, the Quasar are water-resistant, courtesy of the Spiuk-licensed membrane capsule, which keeps wind away while wicking moisture, thus regulating temperature effectively and keeping your feet warm. This feature makes them the perfect choice in cold weather.

    [description_short] =>

    Highly resistant synthetic upper. - Reinforced heelpiece and toe cap.
    High Flow 1 mesh fabric for abrasion resistance and ventilation.
    Fast and effective double closure system: upper strap and stretch loop with stopper.
    M2V membrane capsule: water-resistant, wind-blocking and moisture-wicking for adequate regulation of temperature and warmth.
    Apt for riding and hiking. Compatible with SPD system.

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    91,40€ 73,12€ -20%
    Spiuk Quasar M2V Rattakingad

    Spiuk Quasar M2V Rattakingad

  •             	Array
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        [id_supplier] => 0
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        [description] => 

    Footwear plays a vital role in a cyclist's arsenal. It significantly influences the sensations experienced when pedalling. From the initial gesture when you adjust your shoes to fit your feet, through how comfortable they are and how they perform, to the moment you release and remove them, it all helps to convince you that you made the right choice with the #Rocca. A model conceived for tenacious mountain bikers that don't want major technicalities; for sportspeople whose main objective is to simply enjoy cycling in nature.

    Uncomplicated and free of mechanisms, containing just the three classic Velcro straps, the size and position of which have been carefully optimised, with one Velcro strap concealed below the upper to adapt to all types instep, regardless of how high. Their DSS (Drilling Shell System) upper and extensive mesh surface area at the front ensure perfect ventilation. The combination of their studied form and XC-S sole that provides excellent grip and stability. It all helps ensure ROCCA has great features, is comfortable and robust, a shoe that always motivates you to push further during your outings.

    [description_short] =>

    Stylish looking, modern product
    Highly-resistant and adaptable synthetic upper
    Optimum ventilation via DSS (Drilling Shell System) and extensive mess areas
    Textured reinforced heel piece and toe cap
    Three Velcro adjustment straps
    Concealed Velcro below the upper to adjust for high insteps
    Rigid, lightweight XC-S sole. Polyamide base with high-resistance TPU heel and toe protection
    Wide range of colours

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    Spiuk Rocca-M Rattakingad

    Spiuk Rocca-M Rattakingad

  •             	Array
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        [description] => 

    The Altube shoes are competitive and dynamic. Based on quality and attention to detail, they are designed to deliver safety and style. The BOA® closure system ensures accurate and easy fit, thus delivering optimal performance with every pedal stroke. Highly versatile, these shoes come in four purpose-specific versions: Pro/Competition, Pro/XC, Road and MTB.

    The M shoes, designed for mountain biking, are perfect for advanced riders in search of fine off-bike performance. Their XC-S glass fibre and polyamide soles deliver efficient power transfer to the pedals. Their strategic heelpiece results in optimal grip and traction features. Besides, these shoes have strategic reinforced upper pads for greater abrasion resistance.

    [description_short] =>

    Extremely lightweight upper, strong and easy to keep clean. - Textured reinforced pads on areas where abrasion is likely to occur.
    Drilling Shell System: moisture management technology through vents.
    BOA® closure system for close fit. Power Transfer Strap in front for accurate, easy fit.
    XC-S sole: stiff and light. Polyamide base with high-resistance TPU heelpiece and toecap protection.

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    126,98€ 101,59€ -20%
    Spiuk Altube-M Rattakingad

    Spiuk Altube-M Rattakingad

  •             	Array
        [id_product] => 1937
        [id_supplier] => 0
        [id_manufacturer] => 96
        [id_category_default] => 72
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        [description] => 

    The PROFIT line is the result of an exhaustive joint development process between our researchers and professional sportspeople. Tested by independent bodies to provide sportspeole with a competitive advantage for expert users seeking maximum features.

    Maximum energy transmission, comfort and safety are the three qualities where PROFIT reveals its full potential. K3 carbon fiber provides extraordinary rigidity and lightness, making PROFIT one of the lightest shoes in its category. Its perforated upper provides perfect ventilation and contains a flexible IFS internal structure, which adds robustness and distributes force optimally across the entire foot enclosure.

    Its two wheel BOA IP1 system for micrometric bidirectional adjustment, provides the safety, precision and the speed required by the most demanding user. The demands of XCountry are no obstacle for the PROFIT MC, a perfectly reinforced shoe for tackling the most adverse terrains and climates.

    [description_short] =>

    Ergonomic design optimised for XCountry.
    Light high resistance upper with internal IFS (Inner Fitting Shell) structure.
    Direct breathability via DSS (Drilling Shell System) perforations.
    Dual BOA IP1 micrometric bidirectional adjustment wheels.
    Plastic reinforcements in major friction areas.
    Extraordinarily rigid and light K3 carbon fiber sole.
    Reinforced toe cap for optimum stability.

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    254,07€ 203,25€ -20%
    Spiuk Profit-M Rattakingad

    Spiuk Profit-M Rattakingad

  •             	Array
        [id_product] => 1936
        [id_supplier] => 0
        [id_manufacturer] => 96
        [id_category_default] => 72
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        [id_lang] => 2
        [description] => 

    Footwear plays a vital role in a cyclist's arsenal. It significantly influences the sensations experienced when pedalling. From the initial gesture when you adjust your shoes to fit your feet, through how comfortable they are and how they perform, to the moment you release and remove them, it all helps to convince you that you made the right choice with the #Rodda. A model conceived for tenacious cyclists that don't want major technicalities; for sportspeople whose main objective is to simply enjoy riding on the road.

    Uncomplicated and free of mechanisms, containing just the three classic Velcro straps, the size and position of which have been carefully optimised, with one Velcro strap concealed below the upper to adapt to all types instep, regardless of how high. Their DSS (Drilling Shell System) upper and extensive mesh surface area at the front ensure perfect ventilation. The combination of their studied form and the rigidity of their nylon sole. It all helps ensure RODDA has great features and is very comfortable; shoes that will make you want to extend your bike rides.

    [description_short] =>

    - Stylish looking, modern product.
    - Highly-resistant and adaptable synthetic upper.
    - Optimum ventilation via DSS (Drilling Shell System) and extensive mess areas.
    - Three Velcro adjustment straps.
    - Concealed Velcro below the upper to adjust for high insteps.
    - Rigid, lightweight glass fibre and Polyamide sole.
    - Wide range of colours.

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    81,23€ 40,62€ -50%
    Spiuk Rodda-R Rattakingad

    Spiuk Rodda-R Rattakingad

  •             	Array
        [id_product] => 1935
        [id_supplier] => 0
        [id_manufacturer] => 96
        [id_category_default] => 72
        [id_shop_default] => 1
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        [unit_price_ratio] => 0.000000
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        [cache_default_attribute] => 4198
        [date_add] => 2019-03-12 15:07:29
        [date_upd] => 2024-04-19 18:19:04
        [advanced_stock_management] => 0
        [id_shop] => 1
        [id_lang] => 2
        [description] => 

    The Altube shoes are competitive and dynamic. Based on quality and attention to detail, they are designed to deliver safety and style. The BOA® closure system ensures accurate and easy fit, thus delivering optimal performance with every pedal stroke. Highly versatile, these shoes come in four purpose-specific versions: Pro/Competition, Pro/XC, Road and MTB.

    The RC shoes, designed for road racing, are ideal for expert riders in search of top performance. Their RLX1® sole in carbon fibre maximises power transfer to the pedals, thus optimising performance.

    [description_short] =>

    Extremely lightweight upper, strong and easy to keep clean.
    Drilling Shell System: moisture management technology through vents.
    BOA® closure system for close fit. Power Transfer Strap in front for accurate, easy fit.
    RLX1® carbon fibre sole. Air intake for direct sole ventilation.
    Two pairs of insoles for various types of weather.

    [link_rewrite] => spiuk-altube-road-rattakingad [meta_description] => [meta_keywords] => [meta_title] => [name] => Spiuk Altube-R Rattakingad [available_now] => [available_later] => [id_image] => 1935-3572 [legend] => Spiuk Altube Road Rattakingad [manufacturer_name] => Spiuk [id_product_attribute] => 4199 [new] => 0 [allow_oosp] => 0 [category] => kingad [link] => https://x-sport.ee/kingad/1935-spiuk-altube-road-rattakingad.html [attribute_price] => 0 [price_tax_exc] => 52.041667 [price_without_reduction] => 126.981666 [reduction] => 52.041667 [specific_prices] => Array ( [id_specific_price] => 69751 [id_specific_price_rule] => 0 [id_cart] => 0 [id_product] => 1935 [id_shop] => 0 [id_shop_group] => 0 [id_currency] => 0 [id_country] => 0 [id_group] => 0 [id_customer] => 0 [id_product_attribute] => 0 [price] => -1.000000 [from_quantity] => 1 [reduction] => 0.500000 [reduction_type] => percentage [from] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [to] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [score] => 32 ) [quantity_all_versions] => 2 [features] => Array ( ) [attachments] => Array ( ) [virtual] => 0 [pack] => 0 [packItems] => Array ( ) [nopackprice] => 0 [rate] => 22 [tax_name] => km EE 20% ) 1
    126,98€ 63,49€ -50%
    Spiuk Altube Road Rattakingad

    Spiuk Altube-R Rattakingad